- National Physical Development Plan update. St. Kitts Physical Planning Department, Government of St. Kitts & Nevis and the International Union for Conservation of Nature, St. Kitts & Nevis, 2022-2023
- Urban Resilience Plan for Greater Basseterre, Caribbean Development Bank, St. Kitts & Nevis, 2022
- Saint Lucia Strategy for Resilient Informal Settlement Upgrading and Prevention, UN Habitat and Saint Lucia Department of Housing & Local Government, 2022
- Building Climate-Resilient Cities in the Eastern Caribbean Through Enhanced Urban Planning Knowledge, Safege/Suez Consulting, France, 2021-2022
- Coastal and Marine Spatial Plans component of the Caribbean Regional Oceanscape Project, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, 2019-2021
- Guyana Strategy for Informal Settlements Upgrading and Prevention, UN Habitat and Central Housing & Planning Authority, 2020-2021
- Caribbean Strategy for Informal Settlements Upgrading, UN Habitat, 2019-2020
- 10-year Municipal Housing and Homelessness Plan Update, City of Kingston, 2019
- Strategic Plan for the Wellington West Business Improvement Area (BIA), 2019
- National Physical Development Plan (NPDP), British Virgin Islands, 2017-2019
- Design of Land Cover, Land Capability and Land Use Plans for the OECS Member States, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, 2016-2017
- National Land Use Policy and National Physical Development Plan, Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica, 2014-2016
- Sustainable Transport Solutions Evaluation Panel, Organization of American States (OAS) , Washington DC, 2012
- Regional Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP), United Counties Leeds & Grenville, Ontario, Canada 2011-2012
- Regional Planning Process Methodology, Ministry of Local Government, Trinidad & Tobago, 2009-2010
- A New Process for Regional and Local Area Planning, Ministry of Local Government, Trinidad & Tobago 2009-2013
- Jubail Industrial City 2009 Master Plan Update, Saudi Arabia, Dillon Consulting, 2009-2010
- King Edward Avenue Impact Assessment of Reducing Cross-Section to Four Lanes, Dillon Consulting, 2009-2010
- Industrial Development Planning, Jubail, Saudi Arabia, 2009
(with Dillon Consulting) - Development Plan for Port of Spain City Corporation, Trinidad & Tobago, Ministry of Local Government, 2008-2010
(with Interplan Group Ltd., Barrataria, Trinidad & Tobago) - Development Plan for Diego Martin Regional Corporation, Trinidad & Tobago, Ministry of Local Government, 2008-2010
(with Interplan Group Ltd., Barrataria, Trinidad & Tobago) - Development Plan for San Juan - Laventille Regional Corporation, Trinidad & Tobago, Ministry of Local Government, 2008-2010
(with Interplan Group Ltd., Barrataria, Trinidad & Tobago) - Development Plan for San Fernando City Corporation, Trinidad & Tobago, Ministry of Local Government, 2008-2010
(with Interplan Group Ltd., Barrataria, Trinidad & Tobago) - Local Area Development Strategy for Regularisation of Squatters in Greater Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, Ministry of Housing, 2006-2008
- Urban Neighbourhood Planning Initiative, City of Ottawa, 2006-2007
- Study on Regularisation of Squatters in Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, Ministry of Housing, 2005-2006
- Westboro/Richmond Road Community Design Plan, City of Ottawa, 2005-2006
- Best Practices in Neighbourhood Development Planning, City of Ottawa, 2005
- Gonzales Urban Village Action Plan, Trinidad & Tobago, 2003-2006
- Community Vision on Urban Villages, Gatineau, Quebec, 2005
Monitoring and Evaluation
- Community Analytics Service, Canadian CED Network, 2014-
- Development of a Coastal Informal Settlement Monitoring System in Saint Lucia and Jamaica, HIT-RESET Caribbean, University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago, 2023-2024
- Energy Poverty Consulting Services, City of Abbotsford, British Columbia, 2021-2022
- Equity Ottawa Data Project, Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP) 2020-2022
- Developing a Comprehensive Housing and Infrastructure Supply Decision-Support System, The Métis Nation of Ontario, 2021
- Energy Poverty Data Visualization, REEP Green Solutions, Kitchener Ontario, 2021
- Community Map and Dashboard, Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF), Toronto, Ontario, 2021
- Environmental & Social Framework Instruments for Unleashing the Blue Economy of Eastern Caribbean (UBEEC) Project, World Bank, 2020-2021
- Energy Poverty & Equity Explorer, Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners Network, (CUSP), Canada, 2018-2020
- Mapping Rapid Transit Investment and Transit-Oriented Development Opportunities in Canada, Canadian Home Builders’ Association, Ottawa, 2015-2020
- Measurement & Reporting Framework for the Equity Ottawa Partnership, Catholic Centre for Immigrants, 2019
- Community Mapping of Energy Poverty, Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners, (CUSP), Canada, 2018-2019
- Profiling Poverty in New Brunswick using Infographics, the New Brunswick Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation, 2019
- Neighbourhood Financial Health Index, Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD) and Prosper Canada, 2012-2019
- Interactive Mapping, Diagnostic Tool & Dashboard, Canada Learning Code (CLC), Toronto, 2018
- Final Evaluation of the Trinidad & Tobago Neighborhood Upgrading Program, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD), Trinidad & Tobago, 2018
- Identifying and mapping at-risk neighbourhoods in Canada, Canadian Council on Social Development Community Analytics Service for Pathways to Education Canada, Toronto, 2014-2016
- Profile of the Housing & Settlements Sector of Trinidad & Tobago, Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
- Measuring income at the community level in the province of Alberta, Canadian Council on Social Development Community Analytics Service for Alberta Health Services, 2014
- Measuring financial vulnerability in Ontario cities and towns, Canadian Council on Social Development Community Analytics Service for Green Pastures Society, 2014
- Measuring poverty across the Cities Reducing Poverty Network, Canadian Council on Social Development Community Analytics Service for Tamarack: An Institute For Community Engagement, 2013-2014
- Options for Implementing Data Visualization Tools, Community Foundations of Canada (CFC), 2013
- Requirements for a Knowledge and Information Platform for Municipal Management in the Caribbean, Caribbean Network for Urban & Land Management (CNULM), University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago, 2012-2013
- Community Analytics Service, Pathways to Education Program Community Profiles, Canadian Council on Social Development, 2012
- ComHabitat and the Commonwealth Association of Planners, State of Commonwealth Cities (SoCC) Program, 2011
- Mapping to Assess Health Equity at the Local Level, Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), 2011
- Connecting the Data Dots: Strengthening and Consolidating Existing Community-Level Data on Homelessness, Homelessness Partnering Secretariat, Human Resources & Skills Development Canada, 2010-2011
- Municipal & Community Data Access Project, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), 2009-2010
- Knowledge Management Strategy, Ottawa Public Health, 2009
- Evaluation Plan for the Canadian Lung Health Framework, Canadian Lung Association, Ottawa, 2007-2010
- Mapping the Relationships between Neighbourhoods, Poverty and Population Health, Canadian Council on Social Development, 2008-2009
- Measuring Homelessness in Canadian Cities, Human Resources & Social Development Canada, 2008-2009
- Measuring Social Determinants of Health at a Neighbourhood Scale, Social Planning Council, Ottawa, 2008
- Evaluation Process for Ecopolis Program, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, 2007
- Vital Signs (Ottawa) Reporting, Community Foundation of Ottawa, 2007-2010
- Evaluation Process for Ecopolis Program, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, 2007
- Implementation Strategy for the Community Social Data Strategy, Canadian Council on Social Development, Ottawa, 2007
- Supportive Housing Database Development, Options Bytown, Ottawa, 2007
- Transit Community Pass Pilot Project Evaluation, Transit Services Branch, City of Ottawa, 2006
- Vital Signs (National), Community Foundations of Canada, Ottawa, 2006
- Measuring Social & Cultural Impacts of Infrastructure, Infrastructure Canada, 2006
- Evaluation of the Community Social Data Strategy, Canadian Council on Social Development, Ottawa, 2005-2007
- Project Evaluation of Making the Edible Landscape, International Development Research Centre, 2005-2006
Policy Research
- Research on Transit-Oriented Development Opportunities and Housing Affordability in Canada, Canadian Home Builders’ Association, Ottawa, 2015-2019
- Analysis of the impact of the Regulatory System on Residential Development Costs, CHBA, Ottawa, 2017-2019
- Situational Analysis of the Rental Housing Market in Saint Lucia, Department of Housing, Urban Renewal and Telecommunications, St. Lucia, 2018
- Review of Legislation to Facilitate Ownership and Management of Multifamily Housing Units in Saint Lucia, Department of Housing, Urban Renewal and Telecommunications, St. Lucia, 2018
- Planning and Climate Change in the Caribbean: Caribbean Planning Association (CPA) Discussion Paper Series #1" Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2013 (co-author)
- Quality of Life Reporting System (QOLRS). Seniors and Housing: the Challenge Ahead, 2015
- QOLRS. Canada's Aging Population: The municipal role in Canada's demographic shift. QOLRS Report, 2013
- QOLRS. The State of Affordable Housing (Chapter 5: The State of Canada's Cities and Communities 2012), Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Ottawa, 2012
- QOLRS In Brief. Canada's Rental Housing Sector. Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), 2012.
- QOLRS. Expanding the Social Safety Net in Canada's Cities & Communities: The Role of Municipal Social Infrastructure. Theme Report #6, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Ottawa, 2010
- QOLRS. Theme Report #5 - Immigration & Diversity in Canadian Cities & Communities, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Ottawa, 2009
- The Working Poor at Risk of Homelessness, Human Resources & Skills Development Canada (HRSDC), Ottawa, 2008
- Quality of Life Reporting System (QOLRS) Theme Report #4 - Trends & Issues in Affordable Housing & Homelessness, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Ottawa, 2008
- Canada’s Municipal Sector and the Social Determinants of Health, Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), Ottawa, 2008
- The Working Poor Facing Homelessness: Taking Stock of the Knowledge, Human Resource and Development Canada (HRSDC), Ottawa, 2008
- Measuring and Monitoring Housing Instability and Vulnerability to Homelessness among Foreign-born and Recent Immigrant Households in Canada, Housing & Homelessness Branch, Human Resources & Social Development Canada, Ottawa, 2007
- Cycles of Homelessness: Understanding Eviction Prevention and its Relationship to Homelessness, National Secretariat on Homelessness, 2005-2006
- Northern Community Adaptability, Research & Analysis Division, Infrastructure Canada, 2005
Capacity Building
- Community Data Program, Canadian CED Network, Ottawa, 2005-present
- Building climate-resilient cities in the Eastern Caribbean through enhanced urban planning knowledge , SAFEGE / SUEZ Consulting, France, 2021-2022
- Environmental & Social Framework Instruments for Unleashing the Blue Economy of the Caribbean (UBEC) Project, World Bank, 2020-2021
- Managing Assets for Sustainable Communities: A CIP Training Series, Canadian Institute of Planners, Ottawa, Canada, 2017-2018
- Market Research and Wayfinding Program, Wellington West Business Improvement Area (WWBIA), 2013-present
- Market Research Package, Preston Street Business Improvement Area (BIA), Ottawa, 2018
- Strengthening Professional Planning Capacity to Advance a Caribbean Urban Agenda, UN Habitat, 2013-2017
- Quality of Life Reporting System (QOLRS), Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Ottawa, 2002-2015
- Revenue Generation Plan, Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP), Edinburgh, 2014
- Strategic Plan and Business Plan, Caribbean Planners Association (CPA) 2010-2014
- Governance Options, Caribbean Network on Urban & Land Management (CNULM), Trinidad & Tobago, 2013
- WorldLink International Internship Program for Young Professional Planners, Canadian Institute of Planners, 1998-2013
- Strategy for Sustained Partnerships in the Caribbean, Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) 2012 -2013
- Worldlink International Internship Program for Aboriginal Youth, Canadian Institute of Planners, 2011-2012
- Canadian Institute of Planners, Canada-Guyana Partnership Program for Sustainable Community Development, 2009-2012
- Canadian Institute of Planners, International Program Development, 1998-2012
- Establishment of the Wellington West Business Improvement Area (BIA), Ottawa, 2006-2007
- Strengthening State and Community Capacity for Local Area Planning, Grenada, Agency for Reconstruction & Development (ARD), 2005-2007
- Infrastructure Canada, Strategic Planning for Infrastructure Canada Research Division, 2005-2007
- Port of Spain City Corporation, Trinidad & Tobago, Strengthening Neighbourhood Planning, 2000-2006